Saturday, March 7, 2009

Something to think about.

Just a quick vent.
Why do people always assume that what they like is what you like or want from life? I have never understood that.
Like just because you might want a relationship and to get married and have all that why on Earth would you assume that's what I want out of life? Someone said something very similar to that to me the other day and I was blown away. Really? They said having a relationship was better than the alternative of being alone for the rest of your life. Well, I'd say that's a matter of opinion beyond a doubt. I'd rather be alone and happy then in a needy or miserable relationship.
I don't know, just bothers me. Maybe because I'm open minded and let people make their own decisions and don't judge based on their beliefs...but you bet your ass I judge you on your fashion choices, hair, and shoes.
Just throwing that out there. Really?

"They assume that I want a boyfriend, and yeah, that I'd probably like to have a baby and get married - but they're wrong.”Amy Sedaris, how I LOVE HER!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely 100% couldn't agree with you more -here's to being single and fabulous.
