So today I got up and ready and took my time, it's Sunday after all, what's the rush...I was pretty pumped though to go to the Guggenheim Museum and start my City Pass for the city. I got there and was immediatley disappointed, mainly with the fact that it was about 93 degrees inside the building. But I went ahead and got my City Pass and was lead on a circle of betrayal by the Guggenheim.
First off, I should've known better than to try to enjoy myself on a Sunday, strike that-RAINY Sunday afternoon. I mean really it's a perfect museum day for EVERYONE! So there were tons of people there which if you know me you know I hate people. So the two proceeding facts, it being hotter than hell and lots of people really didn't help my cause. Also the staff was nazish. Some guy nudged me into a painting and I accidently brushed the frame and the girl was all in a huff like I just licked the painting or something. I also witnessed a couple that was standing somewhat close to a painting and one of the staff members was all "Uhhh back away"...Uhhh you can suck it.
Anyway. So the art inside was also a joke I thought. I don't really love modern art but I can usually deal and I generally enjoyed myself at the Tate in London. But this was just shit. It was like a piece of white paper with a coin on it, wheee...and stuff that you think to youself "I could've made that" or "A three year old could've made that". Oy. Oh well, even the gift shop was lame which I find to be a good judge of what the museum is like. LAME.
Hopefully the rest of the city pass won't be such a sham.
After that I walked around in the rain and went into a few stores but I have made the decision that this week, outside of buying a new 30 metro card, I will not be making any purchases. I have spent a lot of money and not having a job sort of hurts. We'll see. At least I have all this week to use my City Pass so that's technically already paid for so it works.
I ended up going to the grocery store today and getting some batteries and beer, exciting right? And yes it's true, the Guggenheim drove me to drink.
Today I have nothing else planned as it is a rainy miserable mess outside. Just going to watch tv and hang out. Tomorrow I plan to get up early and do laundry then just hang out and then go to the interview at 2pm then maybe tomorrow I'll hit up a museum.
Long story short, things might be beautiful from the outside but not so much on the inside.
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