Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday or Thursday?

Yeah I was basically confused all day as to if it was Wednesday or Thursday. All day. I'm magical like that.

Today was rain/snow here and knowing that going into the day I got up early and got ready. Then I took a little walk, got Starbucks (their oatmeal is truly perfect) and then came back and applied for jobs all day and that was about it.

Took a nap, read, watched tv...etc.

I'm making a scarf too...with the fancy Noro yarn and I'm digging it so far so that's good.

And Louisville is on tonight so that's that pretty much. I love you college basketball.

Tomorrow I'm meeting Logan, who I almost lived with in Boston for lunch so that'll be fun then not sure. Going to do something I'm sure.

Exciting right?


  1. I honestly had no idea that you were such a college basketball fanatic. You surprise me and I love it!

  2. Ha yeah I love the college ball, not a huge fan of the NBA but I LOVE to watch college.
