Dear Today,
You were a lot more fun than yesterday. Well done! Our morning together was rather slow and boring as we took the precious time to apply for a much needed job on my end. You were right to suggest that we go out early in case it rained, you're so smart.
Going to the Museum of Modern Art was fun, don't you think? I agree that people were walking too slow and what's with people taking 800 pictures while you're at a museum? Whatever happened to just enjoying your time at the MUSEUM? I don't know, I thought it was crazy. We did see some fun things though! Waterlillies by Monet...some Picassos, lots of Pollocks...overall I'd say the MoMA was a heck of a lot better than the Guggenheim, but you wouldn't know that as you're Today and not last Sunday. My favorite part, besides the gift shop, was the Frida Kahlos. She even got a bad ass frame to go with her bad ass art. You go Frida!
The gift shops were, as expected, AMAZING. But I resisted buying anything. :( Sad times.
After that we traveled to H&M where we got an amazing deal on a cute shirt ($5!!) and an umbrella so next time if it does rain, Mother Nature won't hold me back! Take that!
Then it was home again, nothing too exciting has been going on but it's been a good day overall don't you think Today?
I'll miss you tomorrow.
Ps. I'm not cracking up just tired and wanted a new format...and Today was pretty awesome, thanks for being awesome Today!
Pss. The pictures are brought to you today by the internet, is there nothing that internet can't do?
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